Ever Wondered If There's Anything More To Life?

You are capable of so much more than you ever thought possible.... 

Aren't you curious as to what that could be?

Ever Wondered If There's Anything More To Life?

You are capable of so much more than you ever thought possible.... 

Aren't you curious as to what that could be?

Lose Your Limitations, Discover Yourself! 

My passion is to empower the minds and bank accounts of women just like you, so you can become the best version of yourself, both inside and out. 

Allowing you to find your personal path to your best life is my goal.

Work with me to lose your limitations, learn how to love yourself more deeply, surrender to the magic of life, and become an independent, empowered woman.

Believe in what you want so much,
that it has no choice but to materialise.
The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want. -Abraham

Hi, I'm Kylie

Officially, I'm a Mindset & Marketing Coach, also a Nutritionist and Bowen Therapist, although I prefer to say I guide people to reach their highest potential in life, through various techniques. 

I'm also Mum to four adult children, GiGi (grandmother) to two delightful babes, and slave to four cats. 🐱 

Some might call me a personal development junkie, I'd say I'm a spiritual seeker, exploring the boundaries of what's possible for myself, and us all. 

How it began...

Once Upon A Time...


I've always been attracted to natural healthcare, and complementary medicine fields, since I was very young. 

As time went on, I discovered the mind body connection, and how our thoughts directly impact our body, our health, our bank account, and our life.

I learned that most of us have very limiting beliefs, stories about ourselves and our lives and our bodies, that hold us back from achieving our desires and dreams. This became a life long exploration into the science of consciously creating your life.

Your health, your body, your money, your happiness.... you can create it all! 

Why I do it

Mentoring, and doing the inner work changed my life... and I want to help you change yours too

Over the years I've worked with many coaches, both business coaches and personal coaches. I underestimated the power of coaching for decades, thinking I could do it all myself.

When I finally took the leap into receiving coaching, I understood why people do it. It's a short cut to success. It's a fast track to find your future self. And it's a way of working much smarter to achieve your goals.

I know I can help you too, to discover the faster, smarter path to your dream life.

Work With Me

It's Your Time... 


The Virtual Practitioner: Helping Health & Wellness  Professionals Build An Online Business They Love! 

The best way to work with me is over at The Virtual Practitioner, where, along with Hayley, we create successful virtual online businesses for health or wellness practitioners and coaches. 

Go To The Virtual Practitioner

Fun facts about me




I've had a fascination for the country and the language since I was a child that I can't explain. I'm blessed to have travelled there three times in the past 10 years, slowly building my language skills and exploring new areas each time. 



I started out enjoying latin dancing, tried salsa just because I could... and fell in love with it! I love the music, the movement, the feeling of being in tune with your partner and knowing exactly how to dance together without words!



I saw myself playing a harp during a meditation, and just decided to follow that vision. I now own a gorgeous 34 string lever harp that I love creating beautiful music with. It's both a challenge and a joy to play. 

Contact: [email protected]